Daniela Maria Cirillo

Daniela Maria Cirillo MD, PhD, Clinical Microbiologist, Head of the Emerging Bacterial Pathogen Research unit and Deputy Director of the Division of Immunology, Transplant, and Infectious Diseases at IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milan. Head of TB Supranational reference laboratory. 

Key qualifications: Head of WHO Collaborating Centre- ITA98 and Head of ESCMID Collaborating Centre in the fields of emerging pathogens ; Co-Chair of New Diagnostic Working Group of the Stop TB partnership ; Member of EUCAST Mycobacteria Committee ; President European Society of Mycobacteriology (2018-2023); Professor Master  Global Health, University of Milan ; WHO Global TB Program Advisor

Main domains of research: Dr. Cirillo’s research focus is on mechanisms detection of drug resistance in MDROs of nosocomial origin and mycobacteria, ECOFFs definition for new antibiotics and application of NGS based technology in clinical microbiology. Areas of expertise: clinical mycobacteriology, next generation sequencing based diagnostic tools, research on new diagnostics for TB Infection and disease, in vivo and in vitro models to study TB/NTMs pathogenesis. Author of 369 publications, indexed in PubMed.  Author of 6 scientific book chapters. Total citation 14006 H index (scopus) 61

Awards: G. Middlebrooks Award recipient (2017)